Our Story

A Personal Connection

Inspired by his immigrant parents, Founder and CEO Arun Paul started Priya Living where everyone can feel a sense of belonging with unique shared spaces, innovative cultural programming, bright and uplifting designs, and a focus on community.

Priya’s Beginnings

A vibrant, community-centered way of life

In 2013, we laid our foundation as an innovative community-focused company, driven by a mission to bring people together.

A Message from Arun Paul, Founder of Priya Living

When I was a child, I used to spend hours pouring over the one big photo album my parents brought with them when they emigrated from India to America. I’d flip through its pages of black-and-white images as though it were a mysterious book from the past.

Those photographs enthralled me then and continue to linger in my mind. “Who are these people?” I would think. “How did they get from there to here?”

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The possibility of meaningful human connection supports all that we do at Priya Living. From communal kitchens to open-air patios, we cultivate our living spaces so members can connect with each other.

We also offer programming to help them discover more about themselves. We encourage members to remember their childhoods, to follow their curiosity and to make maast (fun), whether they're gardening, cooking, singing karaoke or just chatting with a friend over a cup of chai.

It’s my turn now to offer what my parents offered me all those years ago when they came to America–a place to belong and to feel loved.

India 1910s
Brihadeeswarar Temple Tanjore
Dhanammal Family

Our approach is inclusive: We honor members, their stories and their identities by building a stage on which they can thrive.

What is a Priya Living community?

Great question. Our planet boasts a multitude of cultures, from cuisine and music to fashion and religion. Why not embrace and celebrate the diversity and richness this world has to offer? That's Priya!

A warm, welcoming place

We think the best places are those of great tolerance and acceptance of others. Priya Living communities are designed for those who wish to enjoy the rich cultural experiences we’ve created for elders and their families.

Respectful of your spirituality

Hinduism. Christianity. Islam. Buddhism. We’re a world of many beliefs, and we embrace people of all faiths as well as those without a personal god.

A place that loves to celebrate

No community loves its celebrations more than a Priya community. Whether we’re celebrating Christmas, Diwali (India’s festival of lights), Ramadan or Hanukkah, there’s always a reason to come together as a community.

Family is at our heart

We are fierce and loving about our Priya family. Our families play a central role in the life of our communities. We encourage frequent visits and ongoing participation of community members’ extended families in the programming in our communities.

Service is essential

Seva, or service, is another core element of the Priya experience. We encourage selfless service performed without expectation of result or award for performing it. We see it among residents who mentor youth, launch philanthropic programs or write to educate others.

A unique culinary program

Nothing reflects a culture or tells the story of a people better than cuisine. At Priya, we celebrate the role food plays in our lives and how it enriches our daily living experience.

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